Sunday 27 May 2012

hyep . as'salam
arghh , Holiday time :))
u know what i'm proud to be sestarians
i'm just proud yokeyh but i don't want to stay here anymore
seriously , i don't want :PP
it's holiday i feel like out from jail , FREEDOM for two weeks , jyeah . The rule here , arghh DAMN IT . our principals ouh soooo grrrrr +_+ . arghh , don't want to stay here too long , want to school at DARY , someone wait for me there . :DD . i ask my friend to decide what i should do but they don' want to , arghh boy what i should do , i'm stress here . ohh , no ! boy also make me miserable . I must throw this miserable thing that always haunting my mind . i don't think i can :( . Today is the last day im thinking about boy , i don't want to know about boy anymore . i came to your life with thousand smile and i can do it if i want go out from there . Love is horrible for girl like me so if i can't stand with it , i will run far away :) oh boy please hold your heart tightly , so , i can't take it anymore . arghh , i don't want to fallen with you anymore , your heart is fragile gift n i'm the rock that will break it :( i'll stop remind our sweet memories thing that will make me miss you . i'll renew this heart so now , no one can't be hero for my drama queen :) it such as wedding that don't have bridegroom . people said that love is the master key that can opens the gate of happiness . but it not for me , i don't know why they call it heartbreak . it feels like every part of my body is broken too when see you with other girl :( if i love something , i must let it go , if it comes back to be it means it owned me . if it doesn't then it was never meant to be :(


hey , as'salam x)
guess what ?
i'm sad now , i think this the BAD HOLIDAY for me .
i'm stress at school ,
at home i'm sad . realy-2 sad ,
you know what ?
aqu stress kat skool , it's all about BOY .
semua pasal LELAKI .
Mmg lelaki nih akan buad aqu sengsara ke ha ?
arghhh , stress . :(
FIRST it about irfan
aqu gado ngn budaktx PRESTO ( rumah kuning )
just sbb mamat nih ,
wei ko na sngt ke mamat tuh ,
amek arh , aq ta na pon , aqu anggap dy kawan je .
jujurlah , aqu mmg penah minat dy , tuh pon time HOCKEY je ,
skunk mmg tak , tak langsong ,
ko betambah marah sbb nmpak aqu lepak ngn dy ,
wei aq lepak sekejap je , dy just ingatkn aqu . tarikh bornday dy ,
n' ko jeles sbb aqu bgi hadiah kat irfan , wei aq bagi sebab
tuh hadiah hari jadi dy . kalo ko nk bgi , bagi je la .
ko hyper marah sampaikn bile jumpa aqu , ko xtego langsong ,
ko pandang slack je kn , just sbb irfan pakai name tag aqu ,
wei bukan aqu yg bgi name tag tuh . kakak angkat aqu yg bagi okeyh .
stop arh wei nk marah kat aqu , aqu ta buad pape pon . :'(


budakt nih satu batch ngn aqu ,
dy bukan classmate aqu . bukan satu set BI class ngn aqu ,
aqu xpenah kenal dy langsong , sampai la budak laki kelas aqu
kate yg budak nih suke aqu ,
Ramai budak pompuan kagum ngn dy ,
sbb even aqu dah tolak dy mentah-2 ,
dy still nk tunggu aqu .
okeyh , aqu pon kagum gak sebenarnya .
tapi aqu setia ngn Aizat .
even , aqu da tolak cinta dy ,
tpi dy still caring psal aqu ingat lagy mase aqu sakit ary tuh .
arghhh , sumpah caring , cair aqu 5 saat :))
Tapi yg aqu xske about mamat nih adela ,
dy sangop toreh tangan tulis nama aqu kat lengan dy ,
tpi dy tkot kantoi ngn cikgu ,
dy KIKIS tngn balek , ta na bgi nmpk tulisan tuh .
weii , DAMN gile .
aqu tau semua nih pon dari raziq .
then aqu nk g kelas bougain , t'serempak dngn dy ,
dy pangel aqu , dy mintak maaf kat aqu ,
aqu xtau dy buad salah ape . smpai nak mintak maaf .
aq just kate ok .
then aqu cakap .

' cantek tangan , jeles aqu '
' ouh ye ke , terima kasih puji , jangan la jeles ye '

time prep malam , aqu ceramah dy habis-habisan

n' now HOLIDAY time x)
xhappy pon ,
guess what ?
aqu balek umah awal . HARY RABU :)
sbb ape ?
ske aty aqu la nk balek awal . hha :DD
aqu balek rabu , aqu t'tunggu-2 ary JUMAAT ,
sbb budak asrama balek time tuh ,
u know i wait for who ?
arhggg , of course MUHAMMAD AIZAT .
aqu tunggu je , dy call or text aqu ,
petang tuh , ade satu mesej msok .

' Hi awak , nii abg '
' abg mne ? '
' abang aizat '
'aizat ? aizat mne ? '
' aizat la . kawan syara . '
' syara ? perlu ke mention nme tuh '
' perlu kowt '
' da lah , aqu xkenal ko . bhaii-2 '

#sajew je buad-2 xkenal , saje nk gurau . :DD

aqu pikir nih betol aizat tau ,
then aqu tunggu je bile dy nk call or text aqu ,
aqu dok dalam bilik je , aqu pasang lagu-2 org putus cinta ,
akak aqu tanya aqu nape ?
aqu cakap yg aqu rindu aizat ?
then akak aqu call 6be yg aq msej tuh .
k fine , akak aqu call .
ade org angkat , tpi mak cik -2 yg angkat ,
dy kate mne ade org nme aizat , dy xknal langsong ,
anak-2 dy pon xde nme aizat ,
time tuh aqu hampa gile BABENG ,
arghhh , what the fish !
thn aqou b'tambah sdey .
tiap kali aqu check fon ,
yg ade nye msej dri syara n atif fitri ,
dri aizat satu pon xde . aqu geram gile , aqu baleng fon aqu kat dinding ,
btw , xpecah pon .
aqu stress gile , aqu rindu gile kat dy , nk call dy ? xde 6be . :(
malam tuh aqu on9 , nmpk aizat online , dy ta tego aqu :(
aqu xna tego dy , sbb aqu malu n aqu ......agypon dy sibuk ngn kak pia
sdey gile time tuh , aq tros off
pagi tuh online jap , got msej from aizat , dy mintak 6be ,
aq just bagi ,time tuh HAPPY tahap cipan ,sbb he still remember me :))
but sia-2 je aq bgi , dye xcall or text aqu langsong :(
petang tuh lepak ngn anith , atul n piah :)
atul cite yg aizat bawak fon g skola .
k fine , aqu tkejut n sdey sbb ... (secret)
mcm-2 atul cite psal aizat .
okeyh , aqu sdey :'(
malam nih rse nk nanges gile-2 .
saket aty aqu , rse na tumbok-2 je dinding , mcm selalu aqu buad bile aqu stress kat asrama

p/s : you got my number tpi xna call , better buang je 6be tuh dalam tong sampah . trimass sbb layan aqu mcm sampah . sorry kalo pe yg aqu tulis nih buad ko terasa , tpi nih la yg aqu rse skunk , rse nk nanges tuh xpenah ilang , :'(

love comes and go , only the true loves stay , just be patient :')

are you my true love ?
hmm , don't know .

people can decide the happy ending but love can change all of it